![]() Elevate Your Leadership, Elevate Results! For Everyone!
The Virtual Training Modules include:
Apply M.I.T.C.H. leadership principles to implement the #undermycare culture and become gravitational! Clients will view you as their #MTAFL - Most Trusted Advisor For Life, they don't even think about purchasing anywhere else. Service and Parts Departments who adopt the #undermycare strategy throughout the operation, from manager to valet, enjoy steady organic growth, maximized oportunities, above average retention, and referrals, both for service and new and used vehicle sales. M.I.T.C.H. leadership principles are at work all the time, for you if you are intentional about it, against you if you're not. #UnderMyCare Four Rs Fixed Ops Training!Retention, Referrals, Reputation and Revenue, #UnderMyCare trained departments have it all, because nothing pays like completely and professionally caring does, nothing! Ready to embrace the #undermycare culture in your organization? e-mail us at Robert@gravitationalbusiness.com
It is not letngthy training modules that get results. The correct state of mind, heart, and processes do! We train state fo mind and the right heart first, processes second! The Gravitational Service Department Virtual Training provides short training modules designed to instill the #undermycare state of mind, heart, and processes which can results in:
#MTAFL - become a Most Trusted Advisor For Life for your clients, employees, and vendors...when you are a #MTAFL, you become GRAVITATIONAL, you get to keep your clients, employees, and vendors for a long, long time! Net profit, customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, owner or shareholder satisfaction. The Gravitational Business/Employer has it all! Once you establish a gravitational world within your organization your best employees stay with you for the long haul. It requires little maintenance, your business is set up to deliver unprecedented value to employees, clients, and owners, it just works! Gravitational businesses go for the win-win-win! When you become a gravitational employer you win, the employees win, the customers win. When it seems as one of the three wins over the others someone is missunderstanding something...only win-win-win is sustainable long term! The Win-Win-Win Culture...the most solid foundation to build on, no other combination compares! Are your team leaders trained in gravitational leadership? If not, you may be losing people that could have been productive employees for years if not decades! People go to work for companies, but they quit their immediate supervisor. Your reputation in the local and global marketplace is determined by the way your team leaders manage their team members. In the age of Yelp, Google, and Glasdoor, and low unemployment, having a reputation as a great place to work will save you hundreds, possibly thousands, of hours spent recruiting and training employees. You don't call yourself a gravitational workplace, you either are or you are not....shhhh, let this be our secret! In the wake of the AMAZON effect, it's critical to your success to tell your story and share your message in a way that prevents commoditizing you. You should go for WIN-WIN-WIN everything you do, there are plenty of people who care about others and want to support honest, caring businesses. Is your organization set up to Win-Win-Win? When it is, it is also GRAVITATIONAL, clients and employees stick around for a long, long time. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY! Let's prevent your commoditization! Contact us at Robert@gravitationalbusiness.com if you are ready to WIN-WIN-WIN now! |
Team leader/team member relationship
![]() Turn your supervisors into gravitational leaders to help them develop a world of trust that creates loyal team members. |
Nurture Your Own
![]() Does your apprenticeship/internship produce great team members? Some apprenticeship programs are very inexpensive to set up...do you have one? Growth plan - do you have a continuing education file for each one of your team members? If not, start now! |
Become a Gravitational Service Department
Being intentional about creating a world that people want to be a part of pays off big. You reach your production and revenue goals, you reduce stress, save thousands, or even millions on employee dissatisaction and turnover. Ready to start on the path of becoming a gravitational Service Department? Contact Robert Sebestyen at robert@gravitationalbusiness.com for a complementary strategy session. |